API flow
Step 1: POST /company/register
You can register a MEI in Brazil using the POST Register a Company method. Below you can find an example of a valid request body with the minimum required fields. Use this as a guide to build the bodies of your requests:
"name": "Joao Silva",
"external_id": "12345",
"role": "partner",
"number": "11772227102",
"type": "CPF",
"level": "country",
"location": "BR"
Step 2: URL response
The response to the POST endpoint will include a URL that when opened redirects to a form. This form can be customized to the look and feel you desire and asks the user to input the necessary data for the MEI registration. You can see the flow on the section User flow
"id": "710e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655997856",
"registration_status": "in_process",
"registration_status_description": "Business registration is being processed",
"url": "https://mei.brinta.com/6944594",
"name": "Joao Silva",
"external_id": "12345",
"role": "partner",
"tax_registrations": [
"id": "888e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655997856",
"number": "11772227102",
"type": "CPF",
"level": "country",
"location": "BR"
Step 3: Webhook Notification
Once the form is submitted it can take up to a couple of minutes for the MEI to be created. Upon successful creation, we will send you a Webhook notification (see Registration Webhooks).
User flow
Once the user opens the link provided in the POST response, they will need to complete all the needed info to open their MEI in minutes.
Add email and CPF
Input their gov.br login info
Complete user RG info
Add new company info
And that's it! Within minutes of the user submitting the form, you will receive a webhook notification confirming the successful creation of the MEI.