Below are the possible values for the different codes in the Company endpoint.
value | description |
'buyer' | Used when Creating a Company that is a buyer of yours. |
'organization' | Used when Creating a Company that is a part of your family. |
'partner' | Used when Creating or Registering a Company that is a partner of yours. |
'supplier' | Used when Creating a Company that is a supplier of yours. |
value | description |
'business' | Used when Creating or Registering a Company from a person. |
'person' | Used when Creating or Registering a Company from a business. |
value | description |
'country' | Used when the tax_registration is on a country level. |
'state' | Used when the tax_registration is on a state level. |
'municipality' | Used when the tax_registration is on a municipal level. |
tax_registration_type | description | country | level | type |
'CUIL' | Código Único de Identificación Laboral | AR | country | person |
'CUIT' | Clave Única de Identificación Tributaria | AR | country | business |
'DNI' | Documento Nacional de Identidad | AR | country | person |
'LE' | Libreta de Enrolamiento | AR | country | person |
'LC' | Libreta Cívica | AR | country | person |
'Passport' | | AR | country | person |
'RIIB' | Registro de Ingresos Brutos | AR | state | business |
'CNPJ' | Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica | BR | country | business |
'CPF' | Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas | BR | country | person |
'IE' | Inscrição Estadual | BR | state | business |
'IM' | Inscrição Municipal | BR | municipality | business |
'RG' | Registro Geral | BR | state | person |
'CC' | Cédula de Ciudadanía | CO | country | person |
'CE' | Cédula de Extranjería | CO | country | person |
'NIT' | Número de Identificación Tributaria | CO | municipality | business |
'NIT' | Número de Identificación Tributaria | CO | country | business |
'RUT' | Rol Único Tributario | CO | municipality | business |
'RUT' | Rol Único Tributario | CO | country | business |
'TE' | Tarjeta de Extranjería | CO | country | person |
'DIE' | Documento de identificación extranjero | CO | country | person |
'PEP' | Permiso Especial de Permanencia | CO | country | person |
'PTT' | Permiso Protección Temporal | CO | country | person |
'Passport' | | CO | country | person |
'CI' | Cédula de Identidad | CL | country | person |
'Passport' | | CL | country | person |
'RUT' | Rol Único Tributario | CL | country | business |
'CI' | Cédula de Identidad Personal | MX | country | person |
'CURP' | Clave Única de Registro de Población | MX | country | person |
'RFC' | Registro Federal de Contribuyentes | MX | country | business |
'DNI' | Documento Nacional de Identidad | PE | country | person |
'Passport' | | PE | country | person |
'RUC' | Registro Único de Contribuyentes | PE | country | business |
'CI' | Cédula de Identidad | UY | country | person |
'NIE' | Número de Identificación Extranjero | UY | country | business |
'Passport' | | UY | country | person |
'RUT' | Rol Único Tributario | UY | country | business |
'Passport' | | | | person |
'tax_id' | | | | business |
tax_registration_status | country | level |
'Convenio multilateral' | AR | country |
'Exento' | AR | country |
'Local' | AR | state |
'No categorizado' | AR | country |
'No responsable' | AR | country |
'Responsable inscripto' | AR | country |
'Responsable monotributo' | AR | country |
'Lucro presumido' | BR | country |
'Lucro real' | BR | country |
'MEI' | BR | country |
'Simples nacional' | BR | country |
'Gran contribuyente' | CO | country |
'Contribuyente mediano' | CO | country |
'Contribuyente mediano alto' | CO | country |
'Contribuyente micro' | CO | country |
'Contribuyente pequeño' | CO | country |
'Contribuyente por clasificar' | CO | country |
'Entidades de derecho público' | CO | country |
'Régimen especial o sin ánimo de lucro' | CO | country |
'Responsable de IVA' (for INVOICING) | CO | country |
'No responsable de IVA' (for INVOICING) | CO | country |
'Responsable de INC' (for INVOICING) | CO | country |
'No responsable de INC' (for INVOICING) | CO | country |
'Responsable de IVA e INC' (for INVOICING) | CO | country |
'Régimen especial' (for INVOICING) | CO | country |
'Pro pyme transparente' | CL | country |
'Contribuyentes sujetos al art 14 LIR' | CL | country |
'Pro pyme general' | CL | country |
'Régimen general' | CL | country |
'Régimen simplificado' | CL | country |
'Renta presunta' | CL | country |
'Régimen con fines no lucrativos' | MX | country |
'Régimen de Actividades Profesionales' | MX | country |
'Régimen de Asalariados' | MX | country |
'Régimen general' | MX | country |
'Régimen de incorporación fiscal' | MX | country |
'Régimen para actividades empresariales' | MX | country |
'Régimen por Actividades Agrícolas, Ganaderas, Silvícolas y Pesqueras' | MX | country |
'Régimen por Arrendamiento de Inmuebles' | MX | country |
'Régimen por Enajenación de Bienes' | MX | country |
'Régimen simplificado de confianza' | MX | country |
'Nuevo Régimen Único Simplificado (NRUS)' | PE | country |
'Régimen Especial de Renta (RER)' | PE | country |
'Régimen General de Renta (RG)' | PE | country |
'Régimen MYPE Tributario (RMT)' | PE | country |
'Contribuyente exonerado' | UY | country |
'Contribuyente Régimen General' | UY | country |
'Monotributo' | UY | country |