JUMP TOAPI INTRODUCTIONWelcome to BrintaGetting StartedEnvironmentsAPI AuthenticationResponse CodesIdempotent requestsSALESale IntroductionCreate a sale/tax calculationpostGet a salegetUpdate a transactionputREFUNDRefund IntroductionCreate a refundpostGet a refundgetUpdate a refundputTRANSFERTransfer IntroductionCreate a transferpostGet a transfergetUpdate a transferputPURCHASEPurchase IntroductionCreate a purchasepostCreate a purchase from an invoice XMLpostGet a purchasegetUpdate a purchaseputTAX RULETax Rule IntroductionCreate a Tax RulepostGet a Tax RulegetDelete a Tax RuledeleteWITHHOLDING CERTIFICATESWithholding Certificates IntroductionCreate a WHT CertificatepostGet a Withholding CertificategetWithholding Certificates webhooksTAX ID VALIDATIONTax ID Validation IntroductionCreate a Tax ID ValidationpostGet a Tax ID ValidationgetValidation webhooksINVOICEInvoice IntroductionCreate an invoicepostCreate an invoice from a transaction or refundGet an invoicegetCancel an invoiceputUpdate an invoice (Inbound)putInvoice status codesInvoice webhooksInvoice document typesInvoice reasonsCOMPANYCompany IntroductionCreate a CompanypostGet a CompanygetUpload a Digital Certificate or credentialspostRegister a Company with the Local Tax AuthorityRegister a CompanypostRegistration WebhooksGet a Registered CompanygetMEI Registration GuideRegister TestingCompany CodesFILINGFiling IntroductionFiling WebhooksGet a FilinggetCreate a Filing EntrypostUpdate a FilingputPossible valuesCOUNTRIES & CATEGORIESCountry coverage and currenciesStates and ProvincesAR - ArgentinaBB - BarbadosBO - BoliviaBR - BrazilBS - BahamasCL - ChileCO - ColombiaCR - Costa RicaDO - Dominican RepublicEC - EcuadorGT - GuatemalaHN - HondurasMX - MexicoNI - NicaraguaPA - PanamaPE - PeruPY - ParaguaySV - El SalvadorUY - UruguayProduct CategoriesDigital Goods and Servicese-InvoicingSTATUSPAGEStatuspagePowered by Get a Filingget https://api.brinta.com/filings/{filing_id}Here you can retrieve all information of the filing