Here you can see all possible values of different parameters related to creating a Filing Entry.
Transaction Type
values | comments |
sale | For sales |
refund | For refunds |
purchase | For purchases |
purchase refund | For refunds of purchases |
profit | Profits from company's P&L |
loss | Losses from company's P&L |
tax credit | For uploading tax credits from previous tax period |
perception | For ARGENTINA. For uploading perceptions included in sales invoices. |
tax debit | For uploading tax debits not represented in other values (i.e. wages, withholding CIT, withholding VAT, withholding GIT) |
tax losses CF | Tax losses carry-forward |
fine | Tax fines and surcharges |
perception credit | For ARGENTINA. For uploading perceptions included in purchase invoices |
self withholding | For COLOMBIA. Self-withholding cases when delivering services, commissions, fees. |
withholding | For uploading withholding taxes from customers |
imports perception credit | For ARGENTINA. For uploading perceptions included in imports documents ("Despachos") |
financial withholding | For ARGENTINA. For uploading withholding taxes from financial entities |
sirtac withholding | For ARGENTINA. For uploading withholding taxes from payment processors |
inflation adjustment | For COLOMBIA. For uploading inflation adjustments (IPC) |
accounting balance | For COLOMBIA. For uploading information of the accounting balance file |
Document Type
values | comments |
invoice | Invoice issued with a business as customer |
invoice exempt | For ARGENTINA and CHILE. Invoice for the sale and purchase of exempt goods and services |
ticket | Invoice issued with a physical person as customer. For ARGENTINA, also a small entrepreneur (monotributista) as a customer |
credit note | Credit note for transactions "refund" and "purchase refund" that were invoiced to a business |
credit note ticket | Credit note for transactions "refund" and "purchase refund" that were invoiced to a physical person |
credit note exports | Credit note for exports transactions of "refund" and "purchase refund" |
debit note | Debit note for transactions "sale" and "purchase" |
debit note ticket | Debit note for transactions "sale" and "purchase" that were invoiced to a physical person (counterpartType="person") or a 'Monotributo' in Argentina (counterpartType="business") |
debit note exempt | For ARGENTINA. Debit note for the sale and purchase of exempt goods and services |
credit note exempt | For ARGENTINA. Credit note for the sale and purchase of exempt goods and services |
export | Invoice issued for the export of goods and services |
purchase invoice | Invoice issued by customer when supplier not registered with tax authority |
purchase credit note | Credit note issued by customer when supplier not registered with tax authority |
withholding certificate | Certificate issued by withholding agent |
debit note exports | Debit note for export transactions of "sale" and "purchase" |
advanced payment | Payment received/sent without an invoice or other financial document linked to it |
accounting transaction | For COLOMBIA. Transactions that come from the 'Auxiliares' |
Transaction Group
values | comments |
fixed assets | Fixed Assets |
goods | Goods for sale |
local expenses | Costs and expenses incurred with local suppliers |
supermarket expenses | For CHILE. For uploading expenses incurred in supermarkets and similar businesses ("Facturas recibidas de Proveedores: Supermercados y Comercios similares, Art. 23 No.4 D.L.825, de 1974 (Ley No.20.780)") |
imports of goods | Imports of goods |
imports of fixed assets | For CHILE and COLOMBIA. Imports of fixed assets |
royalties between related parties | For MEXICO. For uploading royalties between related parties on sales ("regalías entre partes relacionadas") |
interests | For MEXICO. For uploading interests on sales |
loan interests | For CHILE. For uploading loan interests on withholdings ("Intereses por créditos externos Art. 59 No. 1 LIR") |
other interests | For CHILE. For uploading other interests on withholdings ("Intereses por otras operaciones Art. 59 No. 1 LIR") |
services | |
technical and professional services rendered abroad | For CHILE. For uploading technical and professional services rendered abroad ("Trabajos de ingenieria o técnicos y servicios profesionales o técnicos, prestados en el extranjero Art. 59 No. 2 LIR") |
technical and professional services rendered locally | For CHILE. For uploading technical and professional services rendered locally ("Trabajos de ingenieria o técnicos y servicios profesionales o técnicos, prestados en Chile Art. 59 No. 2 LIR") |
other services rendered abroad | For CHILE. For uploading other services rendered abroad ("Otros servicios prestados en el extranjero Art. 59 No. 2 LIR") |
books, newspapers and magazines | For MEXICO. For uploading transactions related to the movement of books, newspapers and magazines ("libros, periódicos o revistas (No editados por el contribuyente)") |
public transport services | For MEXICO. For uploading transaction related to public transport services ("Servicios de transporte público terrestre de personas") |
imports of exempt goods and services | For MEXICO. For uploading imports of exempt goods and services ("Actos o actividades pagados en la importación de bienes y servicios exentos") |
other exempt activities | For MEXICO. For uploading transactions related to other exempt activities ("Otros actos o actividades pagados exentos") |
imports of services | Imports of services |
imports of intangible assets | For MEXICO. For uploading imports of intangible assets |
imports of temporary tangible assets | For MEXICO. For uploading imports of temporary tangible assets ("Importación de uso o goce temporal de bienes tangibles") |
leases | For ARGENTINA and COLOMBIA. For uploading withholding on leases |
used goods and fixed assets | For ARGENTINA. For uploading transactions related to used goods and fixed assets |
trademark royalties | For CHILE. For uploading withholdings related to trademark royalties ("Marcas, patentes, fórmulas y otras prestaciones similares Art. 59 inc. 1 LIR") |
patent royalties | For CHILE. For uploading withholdings related to patent royalties ("Marcas, patentes, fórmulas y otras prestaciones similares Art. 59 inc. 1 LIR") |
software royalties | For CHILE. For uploading withholdings related to software royalties ("Programas computaciones Art. 59 inc. 1 LIR") |
copyright royalties | For CHILE. For uploading withholdings related to copyright royalties ("Derechos de edición o de autor de libros Art. 59 inc. 3 LIR") |
real estate | For CHILE. For uploading transactions related to real estate |
other payments subject to withholdings | For COLOMBIA. For uploading other payments that are subject to withholdings ("Otros pagos sujetos a retención") |
commissions | For COLOMBIA. For uploading transactions with commissions that are subject to whithholdings |
currency adjustments | Gains and losses from currency adjustments |
others | |
fees | |
dividends | |
wages | For COLOMBIA. Wages related transactions |
add wages | For MEXICO. Category related to additional wages, "Asimilados a asalariados" |
resico | For MEXICO. |
Tax Name
values | comments |
VAT | For all countries except BRAZIL. Value Added Tax |
PIS | For BRAZIL. Social Security Tax (Social Integration Program) |
COFINS | For BRAZIL. Social Security Tax (Contribution for the Financing of Social Security) |
IPI | For BRAZIL. Industrialized Goods Tax |
ICMS | For BRAZIL. Goods tax (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services) |
ISS | For BRAZIL. Services Tax (Tax on Services of Any Nature) |
CIT | Corporate Income Tax |
GIT | Gross Income Tax |
WHT | Withholding taxes (tax debits) |
SSC | For ARGENTINA. For uploading Social Security Contribution VAT. |
Tax Category
values | comments |
exempt | For VAT. Exempt rate |
general | For VAT. General rate |
reduced | For VAT. Reduced rate |
special | For ARGENTINA. For uploading VAT with special rates |
excluded | For VAT. Transaction excluded from VAT calculation |
exports | For VAT. Exports and zero rate |
not taxed | For VAT. Transactions not taxed |
wage | For WHT. Wages |
fees | For WHT. Fees |
loan | For WHT. Loans |
add loan | For WHT. Add loans |
final dividends | For WHT. Final dividends ("Definitivos") |
temporary dividends | For WHT. Temporary dividends ("Provisorios") |
technical | In ARGENTINA, for VAT Tax Credit. Credit from the difference of sales VAT and purchase VAT from previous tax filings. |
free withdrawal | In ARGENTINA, for VAT Tax Credit. Credit from withholdings and perceptions filed on previous tax period |
VAT certificate | In ARGENTINA, for VAT Tax Credit. Credit from tax benefits or promotional regimes |
consumed | In ARGENTINA, for VAT Tax Credit. Credit from withholdings and perceptions filed on previous tax period ALREADY consumed |
Revenues Allocation
values | comments |
indirect | Tax from purchases allocated towards all revenues |
general | Tax from purchases allocated towards revenues with General VAT rates |
reduced | Tax from purchases allocated towards revenues with Reduced VAT rates |
exempt | Tax from purchases allocated towards revenues with Exempt VAT rates |
excluded | Tax from purchases not eligible towards VAT |
exports | Tax from purchases allocated towards revenues with Export VAT rates |