API Reference

Possible values

Here you can see all possible values of different parameters related to creating a Filing Entry.

Transaction Type

saleFor sales
refundFor refunds
purchaseFor purchases
purchase refundFor refunds of purchases
profitProfits from company's P&L
lossLosses from company's P&L
tax creditFor uploading tax credits from previous tax period
perceptionFor ARGENTINA. For uploading perceptions included in sales invoices.
tax debitFor uploading tax debits not represented in other values (i.e. wages, withholding CIT, withholding VAT, withholding GIT)
tax losses CFTax losses carry-forward
fineTax fines and surcharges
perception creditFor ARGENTINA. For uploading perceptions included in purchase invoices
self withholdingFor COLOMBIA. Self-withholding cases when delivering services, commissions, fees.
withholdingFor uploading withholding taxes from customers
imports perception creditFor ARGENTINA. For uploading perceptions included in imports documents ("Despachos")
financial withholdingFor ARGENTINA. For uploading withholding taxes from financial entities
sirtac withholdingFor ARGENTINA. For uploading withholding taxes from payment processors
inflation adjustmentFor COLOMBIA. For uploading inflation adjustments (IPC)
accounting balanceFor COLOMBIA. For uploading information of the accounting balance file

Document Type

invoiceInvoice issued with a business as customer
invoice exemptFor ARGENTINA and CHILE. Invoice for the sale and purchase of exempt goods and services
ticketInvoice issued with a physical person as customer. For ARGENTINA, also a small entrepreneur (monotributista) as a customer
credit noteCredit note for transactions "refund" and "purchase refund" that were invoiced to a business
credit note ticketCredit note for transactions "refund" and "purchase refund" that were invoiced to a physical person
credit note exportsCredit note for exports transactions of "refund" and "purchase refund"
debit noteDebit note for transactions "sale" and "purchase"
debit note ticketDebit note for transactions "sale" and "purchase" that were invoiced to a physical person (counterpartType="person") or a 'Monotributo' in Argentina (counterpartType="business")
debit note exemptFor ARGENTINA. Debit note for the sale and purchase of exempt goods and services
credit note exemptFor ARGENTINA. Credit note for the sale and purchase of exempt goods and services
exportInvoice issued for the export of goods and services
purchase invoiceInvoice issued by customer when supplier not registered with tax authority
purchase credit noteCredit note issued by customer when supplier not registered with tax authority
withholding certificateCertificate issued by withholding agent
debit note exportsDebit note for export transactions of "sale" and "purchase"
advanced paymentPayment received/sent without an invoice or other financial document linked to it
accounting transactionFor COLOMBIA. Transactions that come from the 'Auxiliares'

Transaction Group

fixed assetsFixed Assets
goodsGoods for sale
local expensesCosts and expenses incurred with local suppliers
supermarket expensesFor CHILE. For uploading expenses incurred in supermarkets and similar businesses ("Facturas recibidas de Proveedores: Supermercados y Comercios similares, Art. 23 No.4 D.L.825, de 1974 (Ley No.20.780)")
imports of goodsImports of goods
imports of fixed assetsFor CHILE and COLOMBIA. Imports of fixed assets
royalties between related partiesFor MEXICO. For uploading royalties between related parties on sales ("regalías entre partes relacionadas")
interestsFor MEXICO. For uploading interests on sales
loan interestsFor CHILE. For uploading loan interests on withholdings ("Intereses por créditos externos Art. 59 No. 1 LIR")
other interestsFor CHILE. For uploading other interests on withholdings ("Intereses por otras operaciones Art. 59 No. 1 LIR")
technical and professional services rendered abroadFor CHILE. For uploading technical and professional services rendered abroad ("Trabajos de ingenieria o técnicos y servicios profesionales o técnicos, prestados en el extranjero Art. 59 No. 2 LIR")
technical and professional services rendered locallyFor CHILE. For uploading technical and professional services rendered locally ("Trabajos de ingenieria o técnicos y servicios profesionales o técnicos, prestados en Chile Art. 59 No. 2 LIR")
other services rendered abroadFor CHILE. For uploading other services rendered abroad ("Otros servicios prestados en el extranjero Art. 59 No. 2 LIR")
books, newspapers and magazinesFor MEXICO. For uploading transactions related to the movement of books, newspapers and magazines ("libros, periódicos o revistas (No editados por el contribuyente)")
public transport servicesFor MEXICO. For uploading transaction related to public transport services ("Servicios de transporte público terrestre de personas")
imports of exempt goods and servicesFor MEXICO. For uploading imports of exempt goods and services ("Actos o actividades pagados en la importación de bienes y servicios exentos")
other exempt activitiesFor MEXICO. For uploading transactions related to other exempt activities ("Otros actos o actividades pagados exentos")
imports of servicesImports of services
imports of intangible assetsFor MEXICO. For uploading imports of intangible assets
imports of temporary tangible assetsFor MEXICO. For uploading imports of temporary tangible assets ("Importación de uso o goce temporal de bienes tangibles")
leasesFor ARGENTINA and COLOMBIA. For uploading withholding on leases
used goods and fixed assetsFor ARGENTINA. For uploading transactions related to used goods and fixed assets
trademark royaltiesFor CHILE. For uploading withholdings related to trademark royalties ("Marcas, patentes, fórmulas y otras prestaciones similares Art. 59 inc. 1 LIR")
patent royaltiesFor CHILE. For uploading withholdings related to patent royalties ("Marcas, patentes, fórmulas y otras prestaciones similares Art. 59 inc. 1 LIR")
software royaltiesFor CHILE. For uploading withholdings related to software royalties ("Programas computaciones Art. 59 inc. 1 LIR")
copyright royaltiesFor CHILE. For uploading withholdings related to copyright royalties ("Derechos de edición o de autor de libros Art. 59 inc. 3 LIR")
real estateFor CHILE. For uploading transactions related to real estate
other payments subject to withholdingsFor COLOMBIA. For uploading other payments that are subject to withholdings ("Otros pagos sujetos a retención")
commissionsFor COLOMBIA. For uploading transactions with commissions that are subject to whithholdings
currency adjustmentsGains and losses from currency adjustments
wagesFor COLOMBIA. Wages related transactions
add wagesFor MEXICO. Category related to additional wages, "Asimilados a asalariados"
resicoFor MEXICO.

Tax Name

VATFor all countries except BRAZIL. Value Added Tax
PISFor BRAZIL. Social Security Tax (Social Integration Program)
COFINSFor BRAZIL. Social Security Tax (Contribution for the Financing of Social Security)
IPIFor BRAZIL. Industrialized Goods Tax
ICMSFor BRAZIL. Goods tax (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services)
ISSFor BRAZIL. Services Tax (Tax on Services of Any Nature)
CITCorporate Income Tax
GITGross Income Tax
WHTWithholding taxes (tax debits)
SSCFor ARGENTINA. For uploading Social Security Contribution VAT.

Tax Category

exemptFor VAT. Exempt rate
generalFor VAT. General rate
reducedFor VAT. Reduced rate
specialFor ARGENTINA. For uploading VAT with special rates
excludedFor VAT. Transaction excluded from VAT calculation
exportsFor VAT. Exports and zero rate
not taxedFor VAT. Transactions not taxed
wageFor WHT. Wages
feesFor WHT. Fees
loanFor WHT. Loans
add loanFor WHT. Add loans
final dividendsFor WHT. Final dividends ("Definitivos")
temporary dividendsFor WHT. Temporary dividends ("Provisorios")
technicalIn ARGENTINA, for VAT Tax Credit. Credit from the difference of sales VAT and purchase VAT from previous tax filings.
free withdrawalIn ARGENTINA, for VAT Tax Credit. Credit from withholdings and perceptions filed on previous tax period
VAT certificateIn ARGENTINA, for VAT Tax Credit. Credit from tax benefits or promotional regimes
consumedIn ARGENTINA, for VAT Tax Credit. Credit from withholdings and perceptions filed on previous tax period ALREADY consumed

Revenues Allocation

indirectTax from purchases allocated towards all revenues
generalTax from purchases allocated towards revenues with General VAT rates
reducedTax from purchases allocated towards revenues with Reduced VAT rates
exemptTax from purchases allocated towards revenues with Exempt VAT rates
excludedTax from purchases not eligible towards VAT
exportsTax from purchases allocated towards revenues with Export VAT rates